As per the report, the guy bating them is the husband of a women who is getting be@ten in addition to a guy. They have been pun!$hed for their inappropriate act in an deficiency of husband. Husband r@id handed those two in a pretty $h@meful position that had been holding having a phy$!c@l along with each other.

Husband c@ught them when wife is really a call to that guy and starts to have phy$!c@l relation with them. Husband in this video seems too much angry and fur!ous with their act. So, he made the decision to give them a lesson for that inappropriate act. He have tied up both of them in a pillar with the assistance of rope and is be@ting them no longer. He is sc)lding them and $h)uting at them and pun!$hing hard in front of big mass of society people.

Society people are also saying that associated with people have done a great r!$take and they deserve this br^ut@lly

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