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He basis for UniverCity was laid in 1963, when Arthur Erickson and Geoff Massey presented their underlying arrangement for Simon Fraser University. Supplementing their vision for the peak grounds, their arrangement saw the new college tying down a thick private group. It took an

additional 30 years before the execution of this underlying arrangement would start with Simon Fraser University consenting to exchange more than 320 hectares of college possessed area to the City of Burnaby to dramatically increase the span of the Burnaby Mountain Conservation Area. Consequently, the city affirmed an Official Community Plan (OCP) in 1996, permitting SFU to start advancement of a private group, later named UniverCity. [2]

The OCP had an objective of making a reduced group encompassing

the grounds to guarantee private development that was available. The cosmetics of the areas is two regions; with one being toward the south and the other toward the east of grounds. The OCP unique idea included arrangements for group encourages, for example
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