Mathura devi Bhandari

The Health Ministry has come up with a 15-year strategy aiming to increase the access of people including the disadvantaged, landless squatters, migrant workers and marginalized sections to health services.
The ‘National Strategy to ensure equitable access to healthcare services (2016-2031 AD)’, developed in collaboration with Save the Children, was made public here on Thursday.
Various strategies have been chalked out to enable health system and improve basic infrastructure and availability of funds in a bid to increase equitable access of all sections including disadvantaged and marginalized people to health services.
Highlighting the need of the strategy paper, Minister for Health Gagan Thapa has said the strategic goal was set to contribute to provide equitable access to health services of all those inaccessible and underprivileged people.
Health Secretary Dr Senendra Raj Uprety shared that the strategy, developed to reduce inequalities of health and nutritional access, has been inducted as a part of the National Health Sector Strategy (2015-2020 AD) and added the Ministry has a target to take ahead the strategy for implementation with the plan of action.


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